Graph convolutional neural networks have shown significant potential in natural and histopathology images. However, their use has only been studied in a single magnification or multi-magnification with late fusion. In order to leverage the multi-magnification information and early fusion with graph convolutional networks, we handle different embedding spaces at each magnification by introducing the Multi-Scale Relational Graph Convolutional Network (MS-RGCN) as a multiple instance learning method. We model histopathology image patches and their relation with neighboring patches and patches at other scales (i.e., magnifications) as a graph. To pass the information between different magnification embedding spaces, we define separate message-passing neural networks based on the node and edge type. We experiment on prostate cancer histopathology images to predict the grade groups based on the extracted features from patches. We also compare our MS-RGCN with multiple state-of-the-art methods with evaluations on both source and held-out datasets. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art on both datasets and especially on the classification of grade groups 2 and 3, which are significant for clinical decisions for patient management. Through an ablation study, we test and show the value of the pertinent design features of the MS-RGCN.
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Solving portfolio management problems using deep reinforcement learning has been getting much attention in finance for a few years. We have proposed a new method using experts signals and historical price data to feed into our reinforcement learning framework. Although experts signals have been used in previous works in the field of finance, as far as we know, it is the first time this method, in tandem with deep RL, is used to solve the financial portfolio management problem. Our proposed framework consists of a convolutional network for aggregating signals, another convolutional network for historical price data, and a vanilla network. We used the Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm as the agent to process the reward and take action in the environment. The results suggested that, on average, our framework could gain 90 percent of the profit earned by the best expert.
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The outburst of COVID-19 in late 2019 was the start of a health crisis that shook the world and took millions of lives in the ensuing years. Many governments and health officials failed to arrest the rapid circulation of infection in their communities. The long incubation period and the large proportion of asymptomatic cases made COVID-19 particularly elusive to track. However, wastewater monitoring soon became a promising data source in addition to conventional indicators such as confirmed daily cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Despite the consensus on the effectiveness of wastewater viral load data, there is a lack of methodological approaches that leverage viral load to improve COVID-19 forecasting. This paper proposes using deep learning to automatically discover the relationship between daily confirmed cases and viral load data. We trained one Deep Temporal Convolutional Networks (DeepTCN) and one Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT) model to build a global forecasting model. We supplement the daily confirmed cases with viral loads and other socio-economic factors as covariates to the models. Our results suggest that TFT outperforms DeepTCN and learns a better association between viral load and daily cases. We demonstrated that equipping the models with the viral load improves their forecasting performance significantly. Moreover, viral load is shown to be the second most predictive input, following the containment and health index. Our results reveal the feasibility of training a location-agnostic deep-learning model to capture the dynamics of infection diffusion when wastewater viral load data is provided.
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眼科图像和衍生物,例如视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)厚度图对于检测和监测眼科疾病至关重要(例如,青光眼)。对于计算机辅助诊断眼疾病,关键技术是自动从眼科图像中提取有意义的特征,这些特征可以揭示与功能视觉丧失相关的生物标志物(例如RNFL变薄模式)。然而,将结构性视网膜损伤与人类视力丧失联系起来的眼科图像的表示,主要是由于患者之间的解剖学变化很大。在存在图像伪像的情况下,这项任务变得更加具有挑战性,由于图像采集和自动细分,这很常见。在本文中,我们提出了一个耐伪造的无监督的学习框架,该框架称为眼科图像的学习表示。 Eyelearn具有一个伪影校正模块,可以学习可以最好地预测无伪影眼镜图像的表示形式。此外,Eyelearn采用聚类引导的对比度学习策略,以明确捕获内部和间形的亲和力。在训练过程中,图像在簇中动态组织,以形成对比样品,其中鼓励在相同或不同的簇中分别学习相似或不同的表示形式。为了评估包冰者,我们使用青光眼患者的现实世界眼科摄影图数据集使用学习的表示形式进行视野预测和青光眼检测。广泛的实验和与最先进方法的比较验证了眼球从眼科图像中学习最佳特征表示的有效性。
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虽然最近在许多科学领域都变得无处不在,但对其评估的关注较少。对于分子生成模型,最先进的是孤立或与其输入有关的输出。但是,它们的生物学和功能特性(例如配体 - 靶标相互作用)尚未得到解决。在这项研究中,提出了一种新型的生物学启发的基准,用于评估分子生成模型。具体而言,设计了三个不同的参考数据集,并引入了与药物发现过程直接相关的一组指标。特别是我们提出了一个娱乐指标,将药物目标亲和力预测和分子对接应用作为评估生成产量的互补技术。虽然所有三个指标均在测试的生成模型中均表现出一致的结果,但对药物目标亲和力结合和分子对接分数进行了更详细的比较,表明单峰预测器可能会导致关于目标结合在分子水平和多模式方法的错误结论,而多模式的方法是错误的结论。因此优选。该框架的关键优点是,它通过明确关注配体 - 靶标相互作用,将先前的物理化学域知识纳入基准测试过程,从而创建了一种高效的工具,不仅用于评估分子生成型输出,而且还用于丰富富含分子生成的输出。一般而言,药物发现过程。
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